Sunday 22 February 2009

New Blog To Watch Out For. . . .

. . . . So. I had a comment from someone new this morning,whh is surprising becuase usually I seem to just get them from the same people. Also, this particular comment stood outas it was one one of my posts from quite a while ago that was seeming to be ignored, uahahaha.

So anyway, this new blog. CrossTheBreeze. The blog owner has the same name as me, Becca! So I love her. She's only made one post so far (today, from what I can see),but it looks promising; a nice little poem (kind of) for us to think about, and also lovely little picture from Greta Arienti's blog. So, if she's already come across the fantasic Greta Arienti, AKA Go Baby, then she must be pretty damn cool!

So, check out her blog!